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Tesla Supercharger vs Destination Charger

If you are looking for a boost while on the go, Tesla chargers offer compatible electric vehicles with the perfect opportunity.
While it’s not encouraged to use public chargers as a long-term solution for EV drivers as regular use can affect battery health and cost a fortune, they no doubt have a place – especially on long journeys.
So, should Tesla drivers use Supercharger or Destination chargers if their range is running low and they are far from home?

What is a Tesla Destination charger?  

The Tesla Destination charger is a level 2 EV charger designed to recharge Teslas in public places like:
  • Hotels
  • Resorts
  • Restaurants
  • Shopping centers
Located in areas where you might spend an extended amount of time, these chargers provide slower charging than the Tesla Supercharger.
However, just like the Supercharger, you can find the Destination chargers using the onboard Tesla navigation system, the mobile app, the official Tesla website, or third-party charging apps.

Tesla Supercharger vs Destination charger – which is better?

While it might seem that the Supercharger might be the best choice based on sheer convenience, what is best for your car actually depends on your specific needs.
To tell you which is better, you should consider the following:
  • When you need to recharge
  • How much you want to pay per charge
  • The range that can be gained per hour – and the implications of this for your car
Tesla Supercharger vs Destination Charger

Which charger is best for me?

When you need to recharge

If you are driving from one state to another for a deadline, work event, or to visit family over the holidays, chances are you will be relying on major highways to get you there.
In this instance, you may prefer the easy-to-access locations of Tesla Superchargers.
However, if you have time to spare, you could consider the Tesla Destination chargers. Often found alongside hotels or leisure activities, it could be the perfect excuse to enjoy a break and make travelling more fun!

How much you want to pay per charge

You won’t be surprised to hear that using a Tesla Supercharger is the most expensive of the Tesla charging options.
This is because it relies on DC charging – sometimes referred to as level 3 EV charging.
The Destination charger, on the other hand, is likely to be much cheaper and can sometimes be free to try and persuade customers to come to them instead of a competitor hotel or business.

The range that can be gained per hour – and the implications of this for your car

As with all EV chargers, it can be difficult to generalise range specifics as many factors can affect charging time, including the Tesla model, the charger’s capacity, and even the temperature outside.
However, for the most part, you can expect the following distances:
·         Tesla Model X chargers
For Tesla Model X chargers you can gain around 35 miles per hour with a Destination charger and 175 miles in 15 minutes on a Supercharger.
·         Tesla Model S chargers
With a Destination charger, you can gain around 41 miles per hour versus up to 200 miles in 15 minutes.
·         Tesla Model 3 chargers
If you need Tesla Model 3 chargers to recharge, you could get about 44 miles per hour charging on a Destination charger or up to 175 miles in 15 minutes on a Superfast charger. 
·         Tesla Model Y chargers
Users of Tesla Model Y chargers might gain up to 162 miles in 15 minutes with a Supercharger or 44 miles per hour with a Destination charger.
Based on the above, it can be tempting to opt for the Tesla Supercharger – but it’s not without risks, such as increased battery degradation which can shorten the lifetime of your battery.
Not to mention, it’s by far the most expensive option for charging and it can be hard to find a Supercharger when you need one.
Tesla Supercharger vs Destination Charger

Find the best charging option for you with EV-Chargers

If you are new to charging and EVs, it can be confusing to know where to start.
For most people, home charging with a compatible level 2 charger is the most effective and efficient way to keep their EV topped up. So, why not find the right EV charger for you with our EV selector tool?
Alternatively, to find out more or if you have a question, why not email us at [email protected] or use our webchat by clicking the icon at the side of your screen? 

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