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Lexus Charger EV Chargers

Lexus has been generally a slower contender in the electric vehicle market. Lexus does have a long range of concept cars in the sports, sedan and SUV categories. We provide EV chargers for Lexus most popular models, as well as legacy models. We receive requests for EV chargers for new Lexus EVs and used Lexus EVs when a replacement or faster portable EV charger is needed. The majority of our buyers have recently bought a Lexus and need a new EV charger since in many cases no EV charger is provided and information is weak. Lexus all electric vehicles have large batteries and charging capablities, so we recommend our level 2 NEMA 14-50 9.6 kWh Lexus EV charger, which can be fixed to the wall, mobile on the go or portable. Like many manufacturers, Lexus is less focused on residential charging solutions and so many customers use our service to find the right EV charger and installation options. Customers seek to upgrade from standard issue level 1 EV chargers to faster, more powerful level 2 EV chargers.

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