U.S. Rebates and Tax Credit For Electric Vehicle Charging
Federal and State governments are increasing rebates and tax incentives for the purchase installation of EV chargers. The incentives are for level 2 EVSE e.g. hardwired, NEMA 14 -50 or NEMA 6-50 EV charging equipment installed in home, commercial or business settings. They often exclude level 1 NEMA 5-15 and NEMA 5-20 EV plug types.
There is a lot of variation by State. We also recommend checking available EV charging credits and rebates that are provided by local utility companies (particularly in California, Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Vermont and Washington), which can include rebates on level 2 EV charging installations and specific time of use (TOU) electricity rates i.e. cheaper charging at certain times of day.
Below is list of federal tax credits and rebates, as well available electric tax credits and rebates, by state. Please let us know of any additional rebates that we are not aware of at [email protected]
Another useful link for 2023 for available EV tax credits is at https://pluginamerica.org/learn/federal-ev-tax-credits/2023-2/
Federal Incentives – Electric Vehicle Purchase
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 amended which electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles would quality for the federal tax credit (previously the Motor Vehicle Credit now the Clean Vehicle Credit). The law was amended such that only vehicles assembled in North America (50 states plus District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Mexico and Canada) would qualify for a rebate.
If you purchased a new electric vehicle, you may be eligible for a credit of up to $7,500 under IRS code 30D. Previously owned clean vehicles (AKA “used vehicles”) are eligible for a tax credit of up to $4,000. The rules for this credit applies to vehicles purchased between 2023 until 2032. The credit is available for individuals and businesses. The base amount is $2,500 plus $417 for every additional kilowatt hour (kWh) in excess of 5kWh based on the vehicle battery size (kWh). GM and Tesla vehicles are now also eligible since the previous sales volume quota no longer applies.
To qualify, you must:
These vehicles currently qualify for the tax credit (not exhaustive) and we’ve listed their respective MSRP caps. Please check the IRS page for more information
How to Claim the Credit
Ensure the dealer or seller
Other resources
Used Vehicles
For used electric vehicles, a tax credit is available but not as much as that available for new vehicles under the Inflation Reduction Act. A previously owned, used EV or plug-in hybrid tax credit is up to $4,000 or 30% of the vehicle sales price, whichever is less.
For vehicles purchased prior to 2023 for example in tax year 2022, please go to https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/manufacturers-and-models-for-new-qualified-clean-vehicles-purchased-in-2022-and-before
Federal Incentives – EV Charging Infrastructure Tax Credit
The federal tax credit on charging equipment has been extended through 2032. For individual/residential uses, the tax credit remains unchanged at 30%, up to $1,000. For commercial uses, the tax credit Is 6% with a maximum credit of $100,000 per unit (up from $30,000 per property).
Utility and Private Incentives
Residential Chargers: Alabama Power allows customers to charge their electric vehicle at a discounted rate during off-peak hours.
Commercial Chargers: Alabama Power charging discount rates to commercial fleet-owned electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. See Alabama Power Residential PEV Rates for more information.
Utility and Private Incentives
Residential Chargers: Alaska Electric Light and Power Company provides discounted rates for EV charging. Click to view EV rates from Alaska Electric Light and Power Company.
Residential Chargers Rebates: Alaska Power and Telephone provides a rebate of up to $1,000. See the ATP Amp-Up website.
Utility and Private Incentives
Tuscon Electric Power (TEP): Discounted residential service time-of-use (TOU) rate during off-peak periods (5% reduction to applicable charges during the off-peak period. For more information see the TEP TOU website.
Reduced Alternative Fuel Vehicle License Tax: Reduction in the annual vehicle license tax for an electric vehicle to a minimum of $5 per year. For more visit the ADOT website.
Vehicle Emissions Inspection Exemption: H.B. 2226 and H.B. 2580 (2014) exempt qualified plug-in electric vehicles from an annual emissions inspection for the first five registration years.
STATE INCENTIVES -Residential Charging
No current incentives for electric vehicle bought or leased
Arkansas and other states also offer incentives for those interested in purchasing electric vehicle charging stations (EVSE). Please visit our EVSE and Tax Credits Page to view a list of charging station incentives by state.
STATE INCENTIVES – Commercial Charging
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Grants – ADEQ
State EV Charging Infrastructure Incentive
The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality’s (ADEQ) Level 2 program provide credits and rebates of to $9300 depending on entity and installation costs.. For more details, including how to apply, visit the ADEQ’s Level 2 EVSE Rebate Program website. Level 2 EVSE Rebate Program
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Incentive – Entergy
Utility/Private EV Charging Incentive
The eTech program provides incentives of up to $250 for Entergy customers. Applies to level 2 EV chargers only as in most states
Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) Used Electric Vehicle (EV) Residential Rebate: Rebate up to $1,500 when you buy a used (pre-owned) EV. Visit the the Alameda Municipal Power website.
Burbank Water and Power (BWP) Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Rebate: Burbank Water and Power (BWP) Rebate of up to $1,000 for the purchase of a pre-owned PEV. See BWP Used Electric Vehicle Rebate website.
All Electric Vehicle (EV) Residential Rebate Program for Contra Costa, Marin, Solano and Napa Counties – MCE Clean Energy: MCE Clean Energy offers an electric vehicle (EV) rebate of up to $3,500 to eligible income-qualified customers. See MCEv Rebates website.
Used Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) Rebate Program – LADWP: The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) offers rebates up to $1,500 to residential electric customers for eligible EVs. Visit Charge Up LA! website.
State: California CALeVIP Central Coast Incentive Project – Commercial
$6500 – $80000
The Central Coast Incentive Project offers rebates of up to $6,500 per Level 2 Charger and up to $80,000 per DC Fast Charger. To qualify, you must be a site owner or their authorized agent with a Site Verification Form and be a business, nonprofit, California Native American Tribe or a public or government entity. Entities based in Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) are eligible to receive an additional $500 per Level 2 Charger and up to $10,000 per DC Fast Charger.
State: California CALeVIP San Diego County Incentive Project – Commercial
up to $80000
The San Diego County Incentive Project offers incentives to help cover the cost of installing new EV chargers at commercial and multifamily properties, local governments and nonprofits in San Diego County. Entities can receive up to $4,500 per Level 2 charger and $70,000 per DC fast charger. Entities based in Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) are eligible to receive an additional $1,000 per Level 2 charger and up to $10,000 per DC Fast Charger.
State: California CALeVIP Sonoma Coast Incentive Project – Commercial
up to $80000
The Sonoma Coast Incentive Project offers rebates of $5,000 per Level 2 Charger and up to $70,000 per DC Fast Charger. To qualify, you must be a site owner or their authorized agent and be a business, nonprofit, California Native American Tribe, or a public entity. Projects in Disadvantaged Communities (DAC), Low-Income Communities (LIC) are eligible to receive an additional $500 per Level 2 Charger or $10,000 per DC fast charger and multi-unit dwelling sites and unincorporated communities are eligible to receive an additional $1,000 per Level 2 Charger.
Utilities: California Anaheim Public Utilities – Commercial
$5000 – $10000
Anaheim Public Utilities offers rebates of up to $5,000 per publicly accessible Level 2 charger and $10,000 for schools, affordable housing and publicly available DC fast charger for commercial customers.
Utilities: California Anaheim Public Utilities – Residential
$400 – $1000
Anaheim Public Utilities offers rebates of up to $400 for each Level 2 EV Charger, and up to $1,000 per Networked Charger for qualified residential and commercial customers. In addition, up to $2,000 is also available for service upgrades for eligible customers.
Utilities: California Glendale Water and Power (GWP) – Commercial
up to $6000
Glendale Water and Power (GWP) provides commercial customers who purchase and install EVSE up to $6,000 for each charger and up to four rebates.
Utilities: California Glendale Water and Power (GWP) – Residential
up to $599
Glendale Water and Power (GWP) provides residential customers a rebate up to $599 to purchase a Level 2 EVSE
Utilities: California Liberty Utilities Small Business – Commercial
$2500 – $2500
Liberty Utilities offers time-of-use (TOU) rates to residential and small commercial customers who wish to charge their electric vehicles during off-peak periods. We are waiting approval from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to offer incentives to eligible customers who install EV charging stations in their home or small business: $1,500 for residential customers and $2,500 for small commercial customers.
Utilities: California Pasadena Water & Power (PWP) – Commercial
$1500 – $6000
PWP provides rebates of $3,000 per port for commercial, workplace, multi-unit dwelling (MUD), and fleet customers for the installation of networked Level 2 EVSE, or rebates of $1,500 per port for non-networked Level 2 EVSE.
Utilities: California Pasadena Water and Power (PWP) – Residential
$250 – $1500
Customers can receive an additional $250 bonus rebate if they purchase or lease an EV from a Pasadena auto dealer. An additional $1,000 is available for customers that participate in one of PWP’s income-qualifying programs.
Santa Barbara County Heavy-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Grant: Heavy duty vehicles only Clean Air Grants website.
San Mateo County Used Electric Vehicle (EV) Incentive Program – Peninsula Clean Energy and Peninsula Family Service: Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE) Peninsula Clean Energy,
Southern California Edison Pre-Owned EV Program – SCE (Orange County mainly) has a $1,000 rebate for recently purchased or leased a pre-owned electric vehicles with the SCE Pre-Owned EV Rebate. SCE is also offering a Rebate Plus Program, for the purchase or lease of a used EV based on income eligibility.
Pasadena Water and Power (PWP) eligible for up to a $250 rebate when they purchase or lease a new or used plug-in electric vehicle (EV). See the PWP Residential Electric Vehicle and Charger Incentive Program website.
Redding Electric Utility (REU) offers a $1,000 rebate for the purchase or lease of a new qualified electric vehicle. For more information visit the City of Redding website.
City of Roseville Electric Utility currently offers rebates up to $1,500 for new and used vehicles, $400 for new and used motorcycles and up to $750 for a Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charger. For details on how to apply, fill out an application and visit roseville.ca.us.
Turlock Irrigation District Water & Power: When purchasing a qualifying new or used electric vehicle, you can receive a $500 rebate. If enrolled in the CARES program TID customers can receive an additional $700 per vehicle. See the TID website for more information.
PEV Charging Rate Reductions: provides discounted rate plans to residential customers for electricity used to charge qualified electric vehicles.
Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Tax Credit: Up to a $5,000 tax credit. See Alternative Fuels Data Center for Colorado.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate – San Isabel Electric Assocation (SIEA): $500 rebate for the purchase of qualified EVs. See SIEA website.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate – Xcel Energy – a $3,000 rebate for used electric vehicle, and $5,500 rebate for new EVs. For more information, see the Xcel Energy EV Rebate website.
State: Colorado Charge Ahead Program – Commercial (2021-2)
$6000 – $9000
The Charge Ahead Colorado Program provides rebates to entities toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. Entities that purchase and install EV chargers can receive $6,000 (fleet only) and $9,000 (dual Port station up to 25kW only).
Utilities: Colorado Empire Electric Association – Residential
up to $1500
Colorado Empire Electric Association provides rebates of 50% of EV charger equipment and installation costs up to $1,000 for Level 2 charging and an additional $500 for EEA Time of Use rate members
Utilities: Colorado Gunnison County Electric Association (GCEA) – Residential
up to $1250
Gunnison County Electric Association (GCEA) provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase of Level 2 EVSE. Eligible customers who purchase and install EVSE can receive a rebate of 50% of the total cost of equipment and installation up to $1,250. To qualify, applicants must also sign up for a time-of-use rate.
Utilities: Colorado Poudre Valley REA – Residential
up to $7000
Level II charger for public use rebate is 50% of the cost for equipment and installation up to $1,000. DC fast chargers at speeds of 50-75 kW max output receive $3,000, 76-149 kW receive $5,000, 150 kW+ max output receive $7,000.
Utilities: Colorado San Isabel Electric Association (SIEA) – Commercial
up to $2500
DC fast charger for private use Rebate is 50% of the cost for equipment and installation up to $3,000 for 50kW+ or $5,000 for 100kW+ peak output.
Utilities: Colorado San Isabel Electric Association (SIEA) – Residential
up to $1000
Level II charger for private use Rebate is 50% of the cost for equipment and installation up to $500 or $1,000 if customer is a Time of Use rate user.
Utilities: Electric Vehicle Charger and Installation Rebate | Empire Electric Association, Inc (eea.coop) – Commercial
$2000 – $9000
Colorado Empire Electric Association provides rebates of 50% of EV charger equipment and installation costs up to $2,000 for Level 2 charging and $9,000 for DC fast charging for stations capable of 150kW and above with a limit of 2 chargers per member
Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Rebate: Incentives of up to $9,500. There are currently over 30 eligible vehicles available Click for details and how to apply.
Electric Vehicle (PEV) Rebate: Groton Utilities f $2,000 rebates for new EVs and $1,000 rebates for lease EVs. See Electric Vehicle Rebate Program website.
Electric Vehicle (PEV) Rebate: Norwich Public Utilities offers rebates on the purchase or lease of electric vehicles. See Electric Vehicle Rebate Program website.
Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Rebates: Rebates up to $2,500. See Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control website.
Electric Vehicle (PEV) Rebate – PECO: PECO provides rebates of $50 to residential customers. See the PECO Driver Rebate website.
District of Columbia
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Tax Credit:
-An income tax credit of 50 percent—up to $19,000 per vehicle—for qualified vehicles.
– A tax credit up to 50 percent of the equipment costs. The maximum credit is $1,000 per residential electric vehicle charging station installations. See Alternative Fuels Data Center for DC.
Electric Vehicle and EV Charging Station Rebates – KUA: Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) $100 to residential customers for the purchase of a new EV and $100 for the purchase and installation of a home EV charger. See the KUA Rebates and Participating Contractors website.
Electric Vehicle Rebate – Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC): OUC rebates of $200 to residential customers who purchase or lease an eligible new or preowned PEV. See OUC Electric Vehicles at Home page
STATE INCENTIVE – we are not aware of any currently
Georgia Power Charging Rate Incentive: Georgia Power provides time-of-use discounted rate for EV charging. Visit the Georgia Power Electric Vehicles website.
KUA Residential EVSE Rebate
up to $100
Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) provides rebates of $100 to residential customers for the purchase of a new EV and $100 for the purchase and installation of a home EVSE. The EV must be registered to the customer’s address and proof of purchase is required.
Orlando Utilities Comission – New or Leased EV Rebate
up to $200
OUC provides rebates of $200 to residential customers who purchase or lease an eligible new or preowned EV. Applicants must apply within six months of the purchase or lease of the EV.
State: Florida Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) – Residential
$100 – $100
Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) offers rebates of $100 to residential customers purchasing a new EV and $100 for the purchase and installation of a home EVSE.
State: Florida Sarasota County EVSE Rebate – Commercial
$2000 – $4000
ChargeUP! Sarasota County offers rebates within Sarasota County for the installation of qualified Level 2 or DC fast charging EVSE. Businesses are eligible for a rebate up to $2,000 and non-profits or government organizations are eligible for a rebate up to $4,000.
Utilities: Duke Energy – Commercial
Duke Energy’s Park and Plug Program will assist business customers with the installation of Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) station. Eligible installations must be publicly accessible 24 hours daily, near high-traffic corridors, well-lit, and near retail, restaurant, or other amenities
Utilties: Brickell Energy – Commercial
up to $30000
Through the aFLoat Host Agreement, Brickell Energy will cover the cost of hardware, network service plans, management service, and warranties. Eligible hosts include commercial real estate property owners and managers. Hosts must cover the cost of installation. The aFLoat Rental Plan offers public and commercial locations, the EV charging station hardware, network service plan, management service, and warranties at a reduced fee.
Utilties: Jacksonvile Electric Authority – Commercial
up to $30000
JEA offers commercial customers rebates for the purchase or lease of electric vehicles (EVs) and EV charging stations. EVs and EV charging stations must be purchased and installed between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2025. With up to $30,000 for DC fast charging stations, up to $5,200 for Level 1 or Level 2 EV charging stations, and up to $1,300 for Heavy-Duty Truck Stop Electrification.
Charging Rate Incentive: Hawaiian Electric Company offers residential EV charging rates for off peak residential charging savings.
Vehicle Inspection Exemptions: Hybrid and electric vehicles are exempt from state motor vehicle inspection and maintenance programs.
We are not aware currently of any other state, private or utility incentives.
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation
EV Charging Rate Incentive – AES Indiana (AES): Provides cheaper residential charging rates for super off peak charging. See optimized electric car rates
Utility EV Charging Incentive
Indiana Michigan Power offers a rebate of $250 per Level 2 EV charger based on eligibility. See Michigan Power Charge at Work in Indiana website.
Electric Vehicle Rebate – Cedar Falls Utilities (CFU): $50 electric vehicle (EV) community rebate incentive. Visit Cedar Falls Utilities website.
Electric Vehicle Rebate – MidAmerican Energy: Up to a $500 rebate. Visit www.midamericanenergy.com.
Residential Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate– Evergy
Rebate of up to $250 for A Level 2 EV charging station and an additional $250 rebate EV owners that enroll in the time of use rate. Visit EV Charging Rebate website.
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation in Kentucky
Entergy eTech Rebate of up to $250 after purchase of Level 2 (plug) EV charger.
Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) Rebate of up to $250 after purchase of Level 2 (plug) EV charger.
Efficiency Maine’s EV Accelerator also provides residents and government entities rebates for EV purchases. See Electric Vehicle Initiatives website.
EVsmart Vehicle Charging Time of Use (TOU) Rate: Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE) provides reduced charging costs for off peak charging. See BGE website.
STATE INCENTIVES we are not aware of any currently
The Clean Fuels Incentive Program (CFIP), provides grants to purchase new and converted fleet AFVs. Can cover up to 100% of the cost. See MEA’s CFIP Program website.
Electric Vehicle Purchase Rebate – The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources: mor-ev.org.
Rebates of up to $2,500 for purchased or leased EVs
Rebates of up to $1,500 for plug in hybrid vehicles
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources has a program called
Electric Vehicle and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Grants: (MassEVIP) provides grants for level 2 EV chargers
Electric Vehicle Discounts – Mass Energy: Mass Energy’s Drive Green provides a discount program for EVs at qualifying dealerships. See Drive Green with Mass Energy.
EV Charging Incentive – Braintree Electric Light Department (BELD): offers charging credits for charging at certain times of day. Visit BELD Charging Incentives
Electric Vehicle Charging Incentive – Eversource: Incentives up to $300 for offpeak and super off peack charging periods. EV Charger Demand Response website.
Electric Vehicle Rebate – Great Lakes Energy: A $500 rebate for the purchase or lease of a new EV. See the GLE Energy Wise site
Charge Up Michigan Placement Project: Funding for direct current fast chargers, site preparation, and networking fees and signage. Significant funding available Charge Up Michigan Program website.
Electric Vehicle Charging Rate – Indiana Michigan Power: Reduced time of use/charging reductions. Indiana Michigan Power Rates, Programs & Incentives website.
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation in Minnesota
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation in Mississippi
Mississippi Power EV Rebates: Mississippi Power offers residential, commercial, and forklift EV rebates of up to $1,250. See Electric Vehicles page.
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation in Mississippi
Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) offers residential rebates of $2,500 toward an EV under the OPPD EV Rebate Program website.
Omaha Public Power District offers residential rebates of $2,500 toward an EV. See the OPPD EV Rebate Program website.
Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Incentive: NV Energy offers discounted rates to electric vehicle owners for charging their EV during off peak charging hours
Electric Vehicle Rebate – New Hampshire Electric Co-op offers rebates up to $1,000 per EV. See the NHEC Drive Electric website.
Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Incentive off-peak rate program for cheaper charging at certain times of day. Drive Electric website for more details.
Liberty Utilities offers a time-of-use rate with lower charging costs for super off peak charging
New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program “Charge Up New Jersey”: provides rebates up to $4,000
Electric Vehicle Rebate Program: The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities offers residents a rebate of up to $4,000 toward the purchase or lease of an EV. There are certain eligibility requirements
Electric Vehicle Grant Program: Provides government entities with grants up to $4,000 for each EV. See the Clean Fleet Electric Vehicle Incentive Program website.
New Jersey PSE&G – Commercial
up to $100000
PSE&G provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers. For Level 2 EV smart charging projects, customers can receive up to $7,500 per EVSE, up to $30,000 per site toward behind the meter installation costs, and up to $50,000 for pole to meter utility service upgrades. For DCFC EV charging projects, customers can receive up to $25,000 per EVSE, up to $100,000 per site for behind the meter installation costs, and up to $50,000 of pole to meter utility service upgrades if needed.
State: New Jersey Pay$ to Plug In Program – Commercial
$750 – $200000
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) provides grants to entities through the It Pay$ to Plug In Program. Entities that purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to $750 per Level 1 charger, $4,000 per Level 2 charger and $200,000 per DC fast charger.
Utilities: New Jersey PSE&G – Residential
up to $6500
PSE&G offers residential customers a rebate of up to $1,500 for the behind the meter installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. Participants may also be eligible for a rebate of up to $5,000 for pole-to-meter utility service upgrades.
Utilities: Atlantic City Electric – Commercial
up to $60000
ACE offers make-ready rebates to residential, multi-unit dwelling (MUD), commercial, and fleet customers for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations. Additionally, make-ready rebates are available for publicly accessible Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Rebates range from $2,500 per Level 2 port for fleets and $60,000 per publically available DCFC port
Utilities: Atlantic City Electric – Residential
up to $1000
ACE offers make-ready rebates to residential customers for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations. Rebates include up to $1,000 in hardware, 50% in eligible costs.
Utilities: Jersey Central Power & Lights – Residential
up to $5500
Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) offers rebates of up to $5,500 to residential customers for the installation of make-ready Level 2 EV charging stations. Residential customers may also receive bill credits for charging during off-peak hours.
New Mexico Xcel Energy – Commercial
Xcel Energy provides rebates to commercial entities in its New Mexico territory toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers.
New Mexico Xcel Energy – Residential
Xcel Energy provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase and installation of an EV charger.
Utilities: El Paso Electric – Commercial
up to $104000
EPE offers commercial customers rebates for the installation of qualified Level 2 and direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Rebates range from $3,500 for workplace Level 2 EV chargers and $104,000 for networked DC fast chargers.
Utilities: El Paso Electric – Residential
up to $2300
EPE offers residential customers a $500 rebate to purchase a qualified Level 2 EV charging stations and a $2,300 rebate for low-income customers to purchase and install a qualified Level 2 EV charging station. Low-income customers are households with income equal to or less than 200% of the federal poverty level. Eligible Level 2 EV charging stations must be ENERGY STAR certified, networked, and have Wi-Fi or cellular capabilities.
Electric Vehicle (Rebate Program: The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) gives a rebate of up to $2,000 for the purchase or lease of a new electric vehicle. See NYSERDA’s Drive Clean Rebate website.
Zero-Emission Vehicle Rebates for Municipalities: There is Municipal zero emission vehicle rebate program offers rebates to cities and towns for the purchase or lease of eligible vehicles the installation of eligible charging infrastructure. Visit Grant Funding for Municipalities website.
Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Incentive – Central Hudson: offers a time-of-use (TOU) discounted charging rate for residential customers. Enrollment required. See Hudson Electric Vehicle TOU Rate website.
Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Incentive for Business – Con Edison: offers an electric rate reduction of up to 39% for businesses for DC fast charger installation. See the Con Edison Business Incentive Rate website.
Smart Charging Incentives – Orange & Rockland Utilities: Up to $450 by for time of use smart charge, off peak EV charging. See Charge Smart Program website
New York National Grid – Commercial
National Grid provides rebates to commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of an EV charger. Customers who purchase and install EV chargers can receive up to 100% of the charger purchase and installation cost.
SDGE Commercial EVSE Incentive
$500 – $500
Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) offers residential customers purchasing and installing a Level 2 Charger a rebate of $500 per charger. PSEG also offers customers who own DCFC equipment up to $7000 annually.
State: New York NYSERDA EVSE Rebate – Commercial
up to $4500
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) Charge Ready NY program offers rebates for public and private entities toward the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging station at public parking facilities, workplaces, and multi-unit dwellings. Rebates are available for $4,000 per port. Disadvantaged communities may receive an additional rebate of $500 per Level 2 EV charging station- port.
Utilites: New York Public Service (PSEG) – Residential
up to $400
Public Service Enterprise Group offers EV charging incentives up to $400 per 240 volt outlet for an EV charger.
Utilities: ConEdison – Commercial
ConEdison PowerReady Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Program provides business and municipal customers with installation and funding support for the installation of approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Additional funding is available for eligible projects located within disadvantaged communities.
Utilities: NYSEG – Commercial
New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) Level 2 and Direct Current (DC) Fast Charger Make Ready Program provides business and municipal customers with installation and funding support to install approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Additional funding is available for eligible projects located within disadvantaged communities.
Utilities: Orange & Rockland Utilities – Commerical
The O&R POWERREADY EV Program provides commercial customers with installation and funding support to install approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Additional funding is available for eligible projects located within disadvantaged communities.
Utilities: Rochester Gas & Electric – Commercial
RG&E Level 2 and Direct Current (DC) Fast Charger Make Ready Program provides business and municipal customers with installation and funding support to install approved Level 2 or direct current fast charging (DCFC) stations. Additional funding is available for eligible projects located within disadvantaged communities.
Cape Hatteras Electric Co-Op: Offers reduced, time of use charging rates. Visit their Electric Vehicles website.
Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation: Offer credits and time of use, reduced residential charging rates at certain charging times.
Roanoke Electric Cooperative: Offer credits and time of use, reduced residential charging rates at certain charging times.
Utilities: North Carolina Randolph Electric (EMC) – Residential
up to $500
Randolph EMC’s Electric Vehicle Utility Program (REVUP) offers residential customers a rebate of $500 for the purchase of qualified Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charging station. Rebates are available to the first 50 applicants on a first-come, first served basis.
Utilities: United Energy Charger Incentive – Residential
up to $500
Energy United offers residential customers a $500 rebate for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station.
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation in North Dakota
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation in Ohio
Electric Vehicle Rebate – Oklahoma Electric Cooperative: provides a rebate of up to $200. Must be a level 2 EV charger Energy Efficiency Rebates website.
The Clean Vehicle Rebate Program: Less than 10 kilowatt-hours for a rebate of $1,500 and greater than 10 kWh is a rebate of $2,500. Clean Vehicle Rebate Program website.
Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Incentive – Portland General Electric provides discounted charging rates. Please visit PGE Cost Savings website for eligibility
City of Ashland Electric Vehicle program: Up to $1,500 rebate for electric vehicles.
Electric Vehicle Registration Incentive – Emerald People’s Utility District provides new or used plug-in electric vehicles. For details visit EPUD website.
Electric Vehicle Incentives – Eugene Water & Electric Board: Incentives for level 2 charging stations in commercial, residential or multi-unit dwelling. Applicants may qualify for a $1,500 rebate per station. See EWEB’s Electric Vehicles for Business website.
Utilities: Consumers Power Inc – Residential
up to $200
CPI offers customers a $200 rebate for qualifying EV charging stations installed after April 1, 2020.
Utilities: Oregon Central Lincoln – Commercial
$250 – $250
Central Lincoln offers business, industrial, multifamily dwelling customers a rebate of $250 when purchasing a Level 2 Charger.
Utilities: Oregon Central Lincoln – Residential
up to $250
Central Lincoln offers residential customers a rebate of $250 when purchasing a Level 2 Charger.
Utilities: Oregon EWEB – Commercial
up to $15000
Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) is offering eligible commercial customers purchasing a Level 2 charger a rebate of up to $1,500 and $15,000 for DC fast chargers
Utilities: Oregon EWEB – Residential
up to $500
Residential customers may receive a rebate of up to $500 for one Level 2 EV charging station.
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Funding/Rebate Program: The Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) Program provides rebates of up to $2,000 for electric vehicles
Electric Vehicle Rebate – PECO: $50 to residential customers who purchase a new, qualified PEV
Electric Vehicle Discounts – Green Energy: People’s Power & Light’s discount program for leased or purchased electric vehicles.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Incentives: The Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER) has incentives as well as electric vehicle and EV charging programs.
Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit – Commercial
up to $100000
The U.S Code 30C Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit gives qualifying businesses a 30% tax credit, up to $30,000, for all alternative fuel infrastructure installed and placed in service from 2018 to the end of 2022. Starting January 1, 2023, that tax credit jumps to $100,000 through December 31, 2032.
Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit – Consumers
up to $1000
The U.S. Federal Tax Credit gives individuals 30% off a JuiceBox home charging station plus installation costs up to $1,000. You must purchase and install the JuiceBox by December 31, 2032, as well as claim the credit on your federal tax return.
State: DRIVE EV Fleet Program – Commercial
up to $3500
The Driving Rhode Island to Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE EV) rebate program offers rebates for the purchase or lease of ZEVs and PHEVs. New and used EVs can get $2,500 and $1,500 respectively while an additional rebate of $1,000 per vehicle is available for applicants located in high-asthma communities.
State: DRIVE EV Program – Residential
up to $3500
The Driving Rhode Island to Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE EV) rebate program offers rebates for the purchase or lease of ZEVs and PHEVs. New EVs and PHEVs can get $2,500 and $1,500 respectively while used can get $1,500 and $750. An additional rebate of up to $2,000 is available to applicants that participate in a state or federal income-qualified program.
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation in South Carolina
We are not aware of any state, private or utility incentives providing rebates or credits for EV charging or installation in South Dakota
Black Hills Energy Commercial EVSE Rebate
Black Hills Energy Commercial customers are eligible for a rebate up to $2,000 per port for Level 2 chargers, or up to $35,000 for the installation of DC fast chargers.
Black Hills Energy Residential EVSE Rebate
Electric Vehicle Charger Rebate – Knoxville Utility Board (KUB) up to $400 for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV chargers. See the KUB Electric Vehicle website.
Light-Duty Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates: Provides eligibility for a rebate of up to $2,500. Visit the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan website.
CPS Energy Electric Vehicle Program: Provides residential charging credits for level 2 EV chargers. Please see the CPS website.
Austin Energy Commercial EVSE Rebate
up to $10000
Austin Energy offers a rebate for commercial customers to install approved EVSE at workplaces. Austin Energy provides a rebate of 50% of the cost to install approved Level 1 or Level 2 EVSE, up to $4,000 depending on the equipment and provides rebates up to $10,000 to workplaces that install a DC fast charger
Austin Energy Residential EVSE Rebate
up to $1200
Austin Energy offers residential customers who own an electric vehicle a rebate of 50% of the cost to purchase and install a qualified Level 2 EV charging station, up to $1,200.
EV Charging Station Rules – Residential
up to $250
The Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) provides residential customers a $250 rebate for installing an ENERGY STAR certified Level 2 EVSE.
Plug-in Austin Energy – Residential
Austin Energy provides rebates to residential and commercial customers toward the purchase and installation of EV chargers.
Texas CPS Energy – Residential
CPS Energy provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase of an EV charger. Customers can receive a $250 credit on their utility bill for allowing CPS Energy to configure their EV charger.
Utilities: Entergy eTech
up to $250
Qualified Entergy customers are eligible to receive incentives in varying amounts for the purchase of select on- and off-road electric vehicles and Level 2 EV charging stations.
Utilities: Texas Entergy – Commercial
$250 – $250
Entergy offers qualified customers a rebate of $250 to purchase each Level 2 and DC Fast EVSE charger.
Utilities: Texas United Cooperative Services (UCS) – Residential
up to $1200
United Cooperative Services (UCS) offers residential customers a rebate of up to $1200 for the installation of a Level 2 EVSE.
EV Charging Time-of-Use Rate Program – Rocky Mountain Power : provides for reductions in electricity tariffs at certain times of daymore visit the Rocky Mountain Power website.
Vermont EV Rebate (Up to $4,ooo): The State of Vermont offers rebates for new electric vehicles based on the MRSP. See State of Vermont Plug-in Electric Vehicle Incentive Program Guideline for model lists and eligibility.
Mileagesmart Pre-Owned EV Incentive: A state funded incentive program to low income households. It is administered by Capstone Community Action, covers 25% of the EV sticker price up to a certain threshold.
Electric Vehicle Rebate – rebates of up to $750 on plug in hybrid vehicles and new all-electric vehicles up to $1,000. Stowe Electric Rebate Programs website.
Electric Vehicle Rebate – Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA): VPPSA provides a rebate of up to $1,000 on new electric vehicles, as well as rebates on plug-in hybrid vehicles. Visit VPPSA Electric Vehicle Rebate website.
Electric Vehicle Rebate – Green Mountain Power (GMP): $1,500 for the purchase of new all-electric vehicles and up to $750 for the purchase of used electric vehicle. Visit the GMP EV Rebate website.
Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle Incentives – Burlington Electric Department: BED offer loans and reductions depending on eligibility, see the BED Electric Vehicles website.
Electric Vehicle Credit: Vermont Electric Co-op’s (VEC) offer one time and annual bill credits for EV ownership. Visit the VEC website.
Vehicle Inspection Exemption: Alternative fuel and hybrid electric vehicles are exempt from emissions testing.
Dominion Energy Commercial EVSE Rebate
up to $53000
Dominion Energy offers multi-family, workplace, and transit customers rebates to purchase Level 2 and DC fast EVSE chargers. Up to 4,000 may be rewarded for Level 2 EVSE and up to $53,000 may be rewarded for DC Fast chargers.
Federal Tax Credit
up to $1000
The U.S. Federal Tax Credit gives individuals 30% off a home charging station plus installation costs (up to $1,000). You must purchase and install the charging station by December 31, 2022 as well as claim the credit on your federal tax return.
Utilities: Danville Utilities – Residential
up to $200
Danville Utilities offers residential customers a $200 rebate for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station.
Utilities: Dominion Energy – Residential
Dominion Energy offers residential customers a rebate of $125 for the purchase of a new Level 2 EV charging station. To be eligible, customers must enroll in Dominion Energy’s demand response program and register their EV charging station on or after March 1, 2021. Customers will also receive an annual payment of $40 on the anniversary of their enrollment in the demand response program.
Electric Vehicle (PEV) Incentive – Clark Public Utilities provides rebates based on eligibility. See the CPU Electric Vehicle Program website.
Electric Vehicle Rebate Program – Snohoomish County Public Utility District: provides bills credits of up to $40o for residential customers. See the PUD Electric Vehicle website.
State: Washington WSDOT EVSE Rebate – Commercial
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) offers the Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Partnerships (ZEVIP). ZEVIP awards grants to nonprofits and government agencies to develop and implement EVSE projects along the West Coast Green Highway.
Utilities: Clark Public Utilites
up to $2000
CPU offers low-income residential customers a rebate of up to $2,000 for the purchase of a used EV. EVs purchase price may not exceed $20,000 and must be registered in Clark County.
Utilities: Washington Snohomish PUD – Residential
up to $500
Speed up charging time and save energy by upgrading to a qualified Level 2 EV charger
Washington Clark PUD – Residential
up to $500
Clark Public Utilities provides a $500 instant rebate to residential customers who purchase a Level 2 EV smart charger.
Washington Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) – Commercial
up to $20000
TPU offers rebates for the installation of Level 2 EV charging stations at multifamily dwellings and businesses located in the City of Tacoma. Business customers can obtain rebates equal to 80% of project costs, up to $16,000 while Multi-family unit dwellings can receive up to 100% of project costs, up to $20,000
Washington Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) – Residential
up to $600
TPU offers residential customers a $400 rebate, in the form of bill credit, for the installation of a Level 2 EV charging station, a smart splitter, or a 240-volt outlet. Applicants may receive one rebate per installation, up to $600 total
We are currently not aware of any incentives for EVs in West Virginia
We are currently not aware of any incentives for EVs in Wisconsin
PPCS Residential EVSE Rebate
up to $400
PPCS offers residential customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
State: RENEW Wisconsin – Non-Profits
up to $500
RENEW Wisconsin EVs for Good Initiative offers $500 for installing Level 2 or higher EV charging station.
Utilites: Barron Electric Cooperative – Residential
BEC offers residential customers rebates for the full cost of a Level 2 EV charging station. For more information, see the BEC Residential Programs website.
Utilities: Price Electric Cooperative – Residential
up to $500
Price Electric Cooperative offers residential customers a $500 rebate to customers who purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Utilities: Riverland Energy Cooperative – Residential
up to $400
REC offers residential customers a $400 rebate to purchase and install a Level 2 EV charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
WE Energies EV Charging – Commercial
WE Energies offers a commercial pilot program that helps businesses offset the upfront costs associated with installing EV charging stations. The program offers credits to help pay for a commercial customer’s costs of utility upgrades as well as provides rebates for customer facility electrical work.
WE Energies EV Charging Pilot – Residential
WE Energies offers a pilot program that helps residents with the costs of EV chargers and charging. WE Energies provides the charging equipment and maintenance, and the residents have two options: 1. Install the charger, or WE Engergies can install the charger. 2. Pay for the charging equipment and installation upfront or as a monthly cost on the residents’ WE Energies energy bill.
Wisconsin East Central Energy (ECE) – Residential
up to $750
ECE offers residential customers a $750 rebate to install a Level 2 EV charging station on a time-of-use or off-peak storage electricity rate.
Wisconsin WE Energies EV Charging Pilot – Residential
WE Energies provides rebates to residential customers toward the purchase and installation of an EV charger. Please, visit the program website for details.
Residential Charging: Black Hills Energy offers $500 rebates to residential customers in Weston County for the purchase and installation of a Level 2 EV charging station. For more information, see the Black Hills Energy Wyoming Electric Commercial Rebates – Weston County website.
Commercial Charging: Black Hills Energy offers non-residential customers in Laramie County rebates for the purchase and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations. Government and non-profit entities may receive rebates of up to $3,000 per port. Publicly available and workplace chargers may receive rebates of up to $2,000 per port. Applicants may receive a maximum of four rebates. For more information, including application details, see the Black Hills Energy Commercial Rebates website.
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